Inspired by Recognition in French Senate, Renew Pressure on the Canadian Senate to Recognize Artsakh

On November 25th, the French Senate adopted a resolution calling for the Recognition of Artsakh! The resolution also included other key items, including calls for providing massive humanitarian aid to Nagorno Karabakh and calls for international investigation into war crimes committed by Azerbaijan (details are available here).

We must continue our efforts to exert pressure on the Canadian senate to vote in favour of Senator Leo Houkakos’ motion M-36, calling upon the Canadian federal government to:

  • Condemn Turkish-Azerbaijani aggression

  • Ban all arms sales to Turkey

  • Recognize the Republic of Artsakh’s inalienable right to self-determination

  • Recognize the independence of the Republic of Artsakh

1. Send ANOTHER letter to ALL Canadian Senators
Urge them to vote in favour of this very important and critical motion. Please make sure to complete the form with details at the top.
Ask Senators to be like France
2. Call, Email AND Tweet to the leaders of each Senate group

Urge them to vote in favour of Senator Housakos’ motion. If you had already contacted the Senators as per our previous action alerts, we thank you but we ask that you contact them again. Through constant and repeated calls, we will present ongoing reminders of this motion to the Senators and demonstrate that their support of M-36 is of critical importance to Canadians.

Government Representative in the Senate: Senator Marc Gold 

Phone: 613-995-0222

Email: Twitter: @SenMarcGold


Leader of the Opposition: Senator Donald Plett

Phone: 613-947-6416 

Email: Twitter: @DonPlett


Independent Senators Group: Senator Yuen Pau Woo 

Phone: 613-995-9244

Email:   Twitter: @yuenpauwoo


Canadian Senators Group: Senator Scott Tannas 

Phone: 613-943-2240  

Email:   Twitter: @ScottTannas


Progressive Senators Group: Senator Jane Cordy 

Phone: 613-995-8409

Email: Twitter: @SenatorCordy

Speak with a staff member or leave a polite message using the script below:


“Dear Honourable Senator, I am calling you as a Canadian citizen to urge you to support Senator Leo Housakos' motion (Motion-36) asking the government to condemn the joint Turkish-Azerbaijani aggression, ban arms exports to Turkey and recognize the independence of the Republic of Artsakh. I ask you to do this not for political reasons, but because it's the morally right thing to do. The French Senate has recently passed a similar resolution and it is high time for our Canadian Senate to act and stand on the right side of history to prevent a second genocide of the Armenian people. I, along with many Canadians, are counting on your support on this very urgent and existential matter. Thank you.”


If you have trouble getting through to a voicemail or member of staff, continue to call throughout the day until you can leave your message.

Please also:

  • - Encourage other Canadians to make the same calls, emails and tweets and spread the word. 

  • - Like and share the alert on the Armenian National Committee of Canada’s Facebook page

  • - Like and retweet the Armenian National Committee of Canada’s tweet using #RecognizeArtsakh

Thank you joghovoort!